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Re: [dtp-dev] RE: [dtp-pmc] Requirement to change about.html files in Callisto

Thanks, Linda.

I'd like to offer to take care of the rest of the DTP about.html file
changes. Please let me know if anyone wants to handle their plug-ins by
themselves. I'll target this Wednesday's build to include the new
about.html files.

John Graham
Eclipse Data Tools Platform PMC Chair
Staff Software Engineer, Sybase, Inc.

             "Linda Chan"                                                  
             m>                                                         To 
             Sent by:                  "DTP PMC mailing list"              
             dtp-dev-bounces@e         <dtp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>,              
             05/03/2006 10:34                                      Subject 
             PM                        [dtp-dev] RE: [dtp-pmc] Requirement 
                                       to change about.html files in       
             Please respond to                                             
              DTP development                                              
               mailing list                                                

I'd committed the about.html changes for all the ODA plugins - Bugzilla


-----Original Message-----
From: dtp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dtp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]On
Behalf Of jograham@xxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 2:25 PM
To: dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: dtp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [dtp-pmc] Requirement to change about.html files in Callisto

Mike Milinkovich says:

"The IP Advisory Committee of the Board of Directors has advised us that we
should update the content of the About files. The new templates make the
licensing clearer for redistributors of Eclipse software. We have just
posted new templates ( for these
files that we would like to have everyone use for the Callisto Release.
(E.g. please switch to these new templates for your very next release.)"

For DTP, this means changing our about.html files before the 5/17 build. I
think the instructions linked in Mike's quote are easy enough to follow,
but there is a provision for encryption use. As Rob mentioned before,
certain Connectivity plug-ins use standard encryption algorithms provided
by the (user-installed) JVM. We will need to work with Eclipse legal for
these cases.

John Graham
Eclipse Data Tools Platform PMC Chair
Staff Software Engineer, Sybase, Inc.

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