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[dtp-dev] Approval Request

Hey all,

I'd like to petition to have the following features described on the Wiki
page approved for inclusion in the Callisto release.

1.  Add a pingFactory attribute to connectionProfile element within
org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.connectionProfile extension. Bugzilla

This feature will make it easier to create connectionProfile extensions
that require ping capabilities.  The extension provider will no longer be
required to create a connectionFactory with a special ping factory ID.
Existing implementations will be unaffected as the old mechanism will
continue to be supported.  This was also marked as a non-additive change by

2.  Add an element to org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.connectionProfile
that would allow developers to associate an adapter for a specified
connection type. For example, a SQL model adapter for java.sql.Connection
objects. Bugzilla 137123.

This feature will make existing connection types available to the platform
through APIs that provide an alternate view of the contents of the server.
Currently, this can only be accomplished by the addition of alternate
connectionFactory extensions.  The problem with this is that it causes
additional connections to be opened to the server, thus adding to resource
consumption.  These factories must also be added for each specific profile
type.  With this proposal, a view extension would apply to all profiles
with a given connection factory.  In the case of the SQL model, this would
mean that any profile that provides a java.sql.Connection would be capable
of being viewed through the SQL model API.

I would like to have these changes approved for Callisto so that the
connectionProfile extension point API is as close as possible to a
"finished" state.

Best regards,

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