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[dsdp-tm-dev] Vote for Committer status for Anna Dushistova has started Committers,
This automatically generated message signals that Martin Oberhuber has
nominated Anna Dushistova as a Committer on the project. The reason
given is as follows:

I would like to nominate Anna Dushistova (MontaVista) for committer on
Target Management.

Anna started working on TM around EclipseCon 2008 and did a big part of the
RSE Terminal integration (bug 226764). She constantly evolved and improved
the code, introducing Eclipse Commands into RSE, to get rid of unnecessary
plugin activation and dependencies (bug 229479, bug 227535, bug 226550). In
addition to that, Anna also contributed excellent enhancements to the
RemoteCDT Launch, improving progress reporting (bug 234490), and ssh
connect cancellation (bug 149285).

I very much enjoyed watching Anna's contributions become better and better
over the course of the past months.

Her work on commands / handlers / menus / bindings is excellent, and I
really like the result that she has reached with the Terminal integration.
What's more, she has shown outstanding personal initiative, enthusiasm, and
perseverance working on things until they look "right".

I'm totally confident that she will be a big asset for our project.


The vote is being held via the MyFoundation portal: voters *must* use the
portal for the votes to be properly recorded.  The voting will continue
until either all 11 existing Committers have voted or until they have been
given enough time to vote, even if they do not do so (defined as at least
one week). Anna Dushistova must receive at least three +1s and no -1s for a
successful election.

Eligible Committers must cast their votes through their My Foundation
portal page (do NOT just reply to this email; your vote will not be
correctly recorded unless you use the portal):

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your project
lead, PMC member, or the EMO <emo@xxxxxxxxxxx>

The project Committers eligible to vote are:

    Felix Burton
    Xuan Chen
    Kevin Doyle
    David Dykstal
    Doug Gaff
    Radoslav Gerganov
    David McKnight
    Martin Oberhuber
    Michael Scharf
    Uwe Stieber
    Eugene Tarassov

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