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[dsdp-tm-dev] Preliminary ARM submission to SPIRIT Debug Technical Working Group

The attached document is a preliminary version of a document that we (ARM) will be submitting to the Debug TWG as a possible basis for the Debug TWG requirements document.  I am sending it round mainly as background information for this Wednesday's Debug TWG launch meeting, although comments on this document by email would be appreciated.
I should be able to create formal mailing lists etc. for the Debug Working Group soon after the meeting, but meanwhile if you have any documents you wish me to send to members and/or interested parties please send them to me to forward. Note that the Eclipse DSDP mailing lists to which I have copied this email are publicly readable, and a number of other people to whom I am sending this mail are not (yet) SPIRIT Consortium members, so not subject to the SPIRIT Consortium confidentially agreements. As such please let me know whether any material you are asking me to forward  should be restricted SPIRIT Consortium members on this list, or may be sent to the complete list of interested parties.
- Anthony


Anthony Berent


+44 1223 400763


Attachment: Debug working group requirements.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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