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[dsdp-tm-dev] FYI: sftp team provider from JCraft


FYI - I got notice that Jcraft, Inc (the provider of the ssh plugin
that is being shipped with Eclipse; main author is also Eclipse
committer) is also starting to ship an sftp team provider, which 
should work the same way as the FTP/WebDAV Team provider from the 

That is, it will support Import / Export / Synchronize of Workspace
folders with remote sites through sftp. I guess that the PTP team 
could use that for synchronizing a local workspace with a remote 
machine, before remote build is executed. It also seems to overlap 
the RSE Import/Export facility that is to come with RSE M3.

This team provider plugin is brand new, version 0.0.1 has been 
uploaded to the Jcraft site just recently. I tried it out today
and it failed, but I'm in contact with the author (who is quite
responsive) and will keep you updated on any news.

And older version of an sftp team provider had been provided at
but this has not been updated since Eclipse 2.1 (2003).


Dipl.-Ing. Martin Oberhuber        mailto:martin.oberhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Member of Technical Staff          Phone  (UTC +1h): +43 (662) 457915-85
Wind River Systems (Salzburg) GmbH              Fax: +43 (662) 457915-6
Jakob-Haringer-Str.8, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria
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