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[dsdp-tm-dev] Meeting notes for the 3-may phone conf

Hello everybody,
meeting notes for today's phone conference have been posted on
Please look at the list of attendees and let me know whom I've missed (or added incorrectly).
I'd really like to have the list of attendees complete.
I think somebody from Montavista was there but I didn't get your name. 


  • Martin Oberhuber - Wind River
  • David Dykstal, Kushal Munir, Dave McKnight - IBM
  • Ewa Matejska, Palm Source
  • Javier Montalvo and Neil Taylor, Symbian
  • NNN - Montavista
  • Doug Schaefer - QNX
  • Aaron Spear, Mentor Graphics
  • Mark Bozeman,
  • Peter Lachner, Intel
  • Kirk Beitz, Freescale
  • Greg Watson, LANL (PTP lead)
  • Tianchao Li - Technische Universitaet Muenchen (work with LANL on PTP)  

New Action Items

  • DaveD:
    • Send instructions for automated builds (on MacOS / LinuxPPC) to GregW
  • Dave McKnight:
    • Review daytime & ssh code and look for possible simplifications for adding a service
    • Start feature discussion RSE vs. Platform / EFS with PTP people (bugzilla or mailinglist; a feature document should eventually be available from the website)
  • MartinO:
    • Update Project Plan, Website
    • Deliver ssh service enhancements
    • Check Wiki notifications
  • Javier:
    • Capture autodetect on bugzilla
  • Everyone:
    • RSE usage and API reviews --> Bugzilla
Martin Oberhuber - WindRiver, Austria

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