Thanks Dave,
Not referencing the container might in fact be the best advice (well I guess it’s the same as implicitly referencing the eclipsetools-charter, so putting in
that reference may be OK).
At the moment, the dsdp charter is referenced in 3 places (search for “charter”):
The original idea of these references was making it clear to committers how we should vote, perform IP due diligence etc.
In the end I guess very few people will really care…
From: tools-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tools-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of David M Williams
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 1:32 AM
To: Tools PMC mailing list
Cc: dsdp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [tools-pmc] Charter for TM project after moving from DSDP to Tools ?
Can you provide more of the context? Or link to the document that make the reference?
I'm wondering if it is just for "guiding operations", if the Eclipse Development Process would suffice?
(As with OO programming, best if the contained do not reference the container :)
But, if you really need a charter to point to, I'd suggest just pointing to the generic standard version (now at 1.1 level).
From: "Oberhuber, Martin" <Martin.Oberhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "tools-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx" <tools-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
"dsdp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx" <dsdp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx" <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 01/03/2011 07:06 PM
Subject: [tools-pmc] Charter for TM project after moving from DSDP to Tools ?
Sent by: tools-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
Dear PMC’s,
The TM project used to reference the DSDP charter as guiding its operation:
which, beyond specifying the scope of the DSDP TLP just references the standard Eclipse charter:
For tools, I see that a different charter has been defined:
which appears to be mostly a copy of the standard TLP charter, but not entirely.
Question: As TM is moved under tools, should we reference the tools charter or directly the standard TLP
Or, should the Tools charter eventually be rewritten to reference the standard TLP charter? I must confess that I didn’t go into details comparing the tools charter with the standard TLP charter.
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