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Re: [dsdp-pmc] RE: Please approve Xuan Chen as new DSDP-TM committer

I think a 3 day voting period is sufficient, and given that we have 6 PMC members, I would like to see at least three "+1" votes within that time.

"Oberhuber, Martin" <Martin.Oberhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: dsdp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

07/18/2007 02:17 AM

Please respond to
DSDP PMC list <dsdp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"DSDP PMC list" <dsdp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[dsdp-pmc] RE: Please approve Xuan Chen as new DSDP-TM committer

Dear PMC,

we currently have the following votes for approving Xuan
Chen as committer on DSDP-TM:

+1 Martin
+1 Doug
+1 Mark
+1 Mika
?  Shigeki
?  Christian

Given that the official process is that a single PMC
member can approve committers, and given that there
is no official voting period for the discussion we
do voluntarily, are we OK that I complete the process

Martin Oberhuber
Wind River Systems, Inc.
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

> -----Original Message-----
> From: dsdp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:dsdp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Oberhuber, Martin
> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 12:21 PM
> To: DSDP PMC list
> Subject: [dsdp-pmc] Please approve Xuan Chen as new DSDP-TM committer
> Importance: High
> Dear PMC,
> Dave Dykstal has nominated Xuan Chen (IBM Toronto)
> to be promoted to committer status on the DSDP TM
> Project (nomination text below).
> The voting inside DSDP-TM is not quite complete yet
> (8 committers voted +1, one is still pending) but
> since the Portal had troubles sending out E-Mails
> I thougt I'd give you notice already now.
> Also, we wanted to discuss committer promotions
> in the PMC outside the Portal, since for the Portal
> a single PMC member's approval is sufficient. So,
> please give your approval (+1/0/-1) here on the
> PMC mailing list.
> Here is Dave's nomination text:
> "Xuan has been active on the DSDP/TM project now for several
> months. She
> has submitted many successful patches, including some that have fixed
> critical bugs. She is an active participant in the mailing
> list, in our
> weekly developer calls, and a diligent tester. Many examples
> of her work
> (both patches and bug reports) can be found querying bugzilla."
> And here are some commtents from current DSDP-TM committers:
> +1                 Martin Oberhuber
> I fully support promoting Xuan to committer status since I've seen her
> work with great diligence and understanding, working late hours to
> provide critical fixes.
> +1                 David McKnight
> Xuan has provided some very good bug fixes and analysis for
> DSDP/TM. She
> is dedicated, understands the code well, works hard and is always
> careful to seek the best solution.
> This bugzilla query shows 15 bugs that Xuan has helped fixing
> by either providing a patch or by testing and giving important
> comments to help fixing it:
> d&classifi
> cation=DSDP&product=Target+Management&keywords_type=allwords&k
> eywords=co
> ntributed&cmdtype=doit&field0-0-0=attachments.ispatch&type0-0-
> 0=equals&v
> alue0-0-0=1&field0-1-0=commenter&type0-1-0=equals&value0-1-0=x
> uanchen%40
> Thanks,
> --
> Martin Oberhuber
> Wind River Systems, Inc.
> Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member
> _______________________________________________
> dsdp-pmc mailing list
> dsdp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
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