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Re: [dsdp-mtj-dev] Build Structure Change

I think this makes sense.  I wondered about your comments regarding ""?  Are we just reusing the folder structure in the Ant builds (good) or are we actually reusing the build output from Eclipse (bad)?

On May 6, 2009, at 2:16 PM, David Marques wrote:

Hello Everyone,

    I did some changes on the build structure that i would like to share with you all in order to get feedbacks. The change affects the way the project dependencies are treated during packaging.
  • Before
The preverification builder was preverifying all required projects' classes into the .mtj.tmp/verified/classes/ folder along with the target project's own classes. This approach makes it impossible to figure out if the preverified class file is from the project itself of from a required project. It was representing a big problem in order to filter classes from the to package into the JAR file. The libraries were also being preverified into the .mtj.tmp/verified/libs/ folder whether they came from a required project or from the target project itself.
  • Now
We have the following structure:
/.mtj.tmp/verified/classes [Project verified classes]
/.mtj.tmp/verified/libs [Project verified libs]
/.mtj.tmp/verified/required-classes [Required Projects verified classes]
/.mtj.tmp/verified/required-libs [Required Projects verified libs]

This way all class dependencies are separated from the project's own classes avoiding packaging problems. Any comments ??


David Marques
dsdp-mtj-dev mailing list

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