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Re: [dsdp-mtj-dev] MTJ Build Hooks requirements

Is the hook filter really based on "name" or is it based on id's?

On Apr 13, 2009, at 7:36 AM, David Marques wrote:

Hi Jon, follows the answers to your questions.

Hope i could make it clear enough...


David Marques

Jon Dearden wrote:
Hi David,

Thank you for your work on this. I have a few questions...

1. How is the SDK filter used?
Does each SDK provider get one call-back in total? One call-back for
each SDK provided? Or, one call-back for each device? How does MTJ
identify the SDK? The reason I ask is that it appears the regular
expression approach is somewhat loser than an approach where MTJ can
identify which specific SDK a device belongs to.

The SDK filter is used in order to define to which SDKs the hook will be attached. For example, if i define a hook for Motorola.* all SKDs which name starts with "Motorola" will have the hook attached to all it's devices during their build process.
2. How does MTJ make use of the priority attribute?

The priority attribute is used to order the hooks' execution. For example if hook 1 has priority 1 and hook 2 has priority 2 the hook 1 will be called before hook 2 both in the pre and pos build callbacks.
3. Does the IMTJProject reference in the pre/postBuild call-backs supply
access to everything a SDK provider may need?
For our needs, as a start, we require the location of the
device/deployed folders for our devices, the root directory of our SDK (so we can get bin, simulator, etc), the names of the JAR and JAD, the libraries associated with the SDK, and such. The basic concern here, of
course is, is IMTJProject the portal that will give an SDK provider
everything they may need?

From IMTJProject the developer has access to both IJavaProject and IProject instances and all the reosurces that may be needed.
4. What exactly is meant by "build"?
Is this the whole series of actions that takes place when the user
clicks "Create Package"?
The "build" process that i have been talking about, is the project build (both incremental and full build). During incremental build only the active configuration is built, although the build hooks DO act upon this build also, and as you expect, the hooks act on all configurations during the full build (when the user clicks "Create Package").
What "sub steps" are included? Does it make any
sense to notify the SDK provider at the beginning and end of each of
this steps?

What do you mean by "sub steps", are you considering for example each builder attached to a project one step ??
5. Is it possible that we might want to return a value from the preBuild
call to indicate to MTJ that we would like a step to be skipped?
No, since we do NOT have a "build step" concept implemented on our build solution.
One example use case is where an SDK provider has some post-build step
(such as signing) that should only be taken after everything and does
not want that action taken during the build phase. That may not be a
great example, but perhaps there is a need for an SDK provider to
influence the process in this way?

Well i guess the pre/pos build hooks will be enough on most situations, although i think the worst case would be if for some reason some SDK provider has some specific requirements (such as when signing), it would have to do some extra work after the default signing action during the build process (such as implementing a post build hook).
6. How can we meaningfully report back to MTJ that an error has occurred on our part during the pre or postBuild call? Should an error value be returned? An exception thrown? Will these
exceptions be defined in the API? If we can report an error, then MTJ
can present some meaningful message to the user, rather than a general
"some error occurred" result.

The hook's callbacks interface throw CoreException which is the same exception thrown by the builders for errors during build.

Jon Dearden
Research In Motion

-----Original Message-----
From: dsdp-mtj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:dsdp-mtj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David Marques
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 2:13 PM
To: Mobile Tools for The Java Platform mailing list
Subject: [dsdp-mtj-dev] MTJ Build Hooks requirements

Hello All,

I have started to define the requirements on the pre/pos build hooks. The initial version is already on our WIKI ( :_build:FR007 _-_MTJ_shall_define_an_extension_point_for_build_hooks). Does anyone have any comment to add on this ?

Hope the requirements are clear enough.


David Marques

dsdp-mtj-dev mailing list

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