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[dsdp-mtj-dev] News on MTJ

Hi mtj,


On the past weeks we had a lot of good news on MTJ that I want to share with everyone on the community.


-          EclipseCon

MTJ had 3 talks during eclipsecon and one BOF. We had a very good feedback on everyone on them. The slides are posted on eclipsecon web site and if there are questions / comments feel free to send to the list.

o        Multi-Configuration support in MTJ (Mobile Tools for Java):

o        DSDP Mobile Tools for Java New and Noteworthy:

o        MTJ: Taking Mobile Java Developers To The Next Level:


During eclipsecon we had a lot of good discussions with some users, and there are different areas of improvement on MTJ. Later I will send some emails about that and start opening some bugs to start a discussion about each area.


-          Eclipse for JavaME (Galileo 1.0 M6)

During EclipseCon Galileo M6 was released. That release included the first drop of Eclipse for JavaME Package that includes MTJ. The objective of this package is to deliver the main components that are necessary to develop mobile applications. This distribution is also planned to be the base on Eclipse Pulsar Distribution that is under discussion on the Eclipse Mobile Industry Working Group.

If you would like to give a try, the download is available at: .


MTJ 1.0 M6 also has a more stable API. Most of the changes / refactoring discussed on the past months are already there. There only some of them missing that I hope will be addressed until M7.


Feel free to open bugs and send comments about the package / API.


-          MTJ Webinar

There is a MTJ Webinar scheduled to April 22th. The initial plan on this webinar is to give a user perspective of MTJ, show the main features and how to user them. It would be nice if mtj community can blog about the webinar in order that we can have a good number of attendees.




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