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Re: RES: RES: [dsdp-mtj-dev] new round of mtj api review

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner.  I think the moving of non-public classes such that they are private is probably good to do now.  Splitting out ISDK is probably safe...  I would not feel comfortable with the new extension points at this point though.  We really need to make sure those have proper burn-in and it is just really late in the cycle.  My suggestion is that those should be added soon after 1.0 is released and that the group as a whole should then have the time to discuss and consider the extension points.

Paula Gustavo-WGP010 wrote:

Hi craig,


I understand and share your concern. when I looked at what is still there, in terms of public api, it is still a little confusing. So my feeling is that there is still room for some cleaning (move more classes/interfaces to be internal and do some refactoring). The main issues that I see are:

- the symbolset api seems to be duplicated: there are two packages with similar classes / interfaces. We want see if we can leave just one of them

- clarify the concepts of library and api classes (core.sdk.deivce.midp.library): there are several classes / interfaces that are public but it is not clear how to use them

- there are a lot of interfaces that are public on the mtj.core that can be moved to be internal


I’m trying to leave as public only what make sense to be public and that we can commit to maintain on the future.


If we fix those 3 issues, I think that we are going to be ok with our public apis.


Extract isdk from idevice, is something that we discussed a lot here on the list. This is more an improvement than a fix. We can postpone it to a future release, but I just thought that it is a good time to do it J.


in terms of extension points, out current list is:

- core.externallibrary

- core.deviceimporter

- ui.midlettemplates

- ui.jadeditorpages

- ui.jadattributes

- ui.deviceeditor


The plan is to keep all of that as they are now. I was also wondering about adding two more that we already have some discussions about them on the list:

- core.sdkinstall: import an sdk automatically when MTJ is started (this come from that suggestion sent by danail. We already have a bug opened for that). this extension point is associated to the isdk interface

- core.buildhook: hook into mtj build before and/or after the preverifier builder (this requirements comes from some discussion we had with RIM. I’m not sure if we can just use the project nature / builder for that we don’t add any api). I will send a separated email about that.





De: dsdp-mtj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dsdp-mtj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Em nome de Craig Setera
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2009 20:40
Para: Mobile Tools for The Java Platform mailing list
Assunto: Re: RES: [dsdp-mtj-dev] new round of mtj api review


Sorry... this email got lost in my inbox.

My primary concern with *any* API changes at this time is that there is really no time to get feedback on those changes.  The argument in favor of making the changes now is that it is easier than making them later.  With that said, if we really do lock these things in as API, we will need to support them.

What is your feeling at this point in terms of things that we are actually marking as API versus things that are provisional for 1.0?


Paula Gustavo-WGP010 wrote:

hi craig,
sorry for the late response. it is carnaval here in brazil :) 
the change that we want to do now is to create the isdk interface. we didn't have time to do that in the last round :(. besides that there are also changes that we identify, but i'm not sure if we sohuld do it or not.
the idea is to remove imidpdevice and leave only the abstractmidpdevice class. the main motivation is that, if anyone is going to implement a midp device, he can just extend the abstractmidpdevice class and the interface is not necessary. but im not totaly convinced this is a good thing to do. do you think that this make sense?
dp-mtj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx em nome de Craig Setera
Enviada: qui 19/2/2009 21:32
Para: Mobile Tools for The Java Platform mailing list
Assunto: Re: [dsdp-mtj-dev] new round of mtj api review
Looks pretty good.  Do we really want to bite off the IDevice/ISDK interface refactoring?  Is that already done?  Those seem like API classes that we should get in early in the *next* release so that we can get some burn in and feedback.  I have concerns with us putting a lot of API changes in this late in the cycle when there isn't time to validate that those changes are what we want.  (with the exception of making things private until we have time to vet them)
Paula Gustavo-WGP010 wrote: 
        Hi MTJ,
        We did a new round of mtj api review and open a list with a several improvements. This list is available on mtj 1.0 plan
        under theme / priorities "MTJ API Documentation and Unit Tests". The focus was on the mtj.core plugin.
        Please feel free to comment on those bugs and / or add new bugs. We plan to address those improvements on the following builds
        dsdp-mtj-dev mailing list

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