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Re: [dsdp-mtj-dev] Initial MTJ api code commits


Nice work on this refactoring.  I scanned the incoming changes and things made sense.  The only thing I wasn't sure about was that in the core hooks that SourceMapper was made internal.  While I understand that we are really the only ones using this, the fact that it is registered from another plugin makes me wonder if this is still "public" API?  Not sure to be honest.

What are your thoughts on the extension points at this point?  Any thoughts about my comments on the wiki?


Paula Gustavo-WGP010 wrote:
Initial MTJ api code commits


We finished some of the initial MTJ api re-factoring based on the proposal that is on the wiki. Today we plan to commit those changes. The idea of this commit is just to make it easy for everyone to review and give feedback, since you will be able to see the documentation and also the code.

MTJ 1.0M5 was just released and has a tag with all the code before any API re-factoring change. So, in the worst case, it is possible to rollback everything if there is a community decision to do that. The focus of this commits are:

-       Follow as much as possible all guidelines from eclipse API central;
-       Keep as api only what is suppose to be an api. The rest was moved to internal packages;
-       Re-factory some of the code.

Next Tuesday nightly build will have those initial changes. There are two ways to review the code / documentation: checkout the trunk or download next Tuesday nightly build. If you want to compare with what was previously available, just checkout tag/1.0M5 in a separated workspace or download 1.0M5.

Changes on this initial proposal can be discussed on the list or via bugzilla. When opening bugs, please tag them with [api] on the subject to make it easy to identify them.

Comments and contributions are very welcome. They will enable MTJ community to have a good initial API on MTJ 1.0 release.



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