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Re: RES: [dsdp-mtj-dev] Extension point for defining devices - Back onTrack


You say:

But to be honest, I only see this working if the whole SDK is delivered
via p2 and placed in some "pre-defined" folder. Then it makes sense to
have to have a plugin that automatically says where the sdk is installed

I have to disagree here. A very simple example of how this could work on a Windows machine is via the registry. A standard Windows installer could write information into the registry that the registered ISDK could find and use. It would not require a path in the extension point and it would not require P2 installation. The old Siemens extension for EclipseME used to work this way... digging out the information from the registry rather than the non-existent UEI interface in that SDK.

It seems like we have UEI on the brain! <grin> There are lots of ways that software can be installed and lots of ways that we can discover that software. Limiting things to only be on a specific path seems unnecessarily constraining to me.


On Jan 30, 2009, at 11:17 AM, Paula Gustavo-WGP010 wrote:

Hi craig,

I looked at JDT extension point. Roughly what is does is define a way
that eclipse can automatically find a JRE location (path on the file
system) and "import" it into JDT.

So if we transfer this concept to MTJ, the extension point will also
have some like:

* SDK Name
* SDK Path
* class that implements ISDK interface (similar to what you described

Then mtj will automatically import all SDKs that are registered via this

But to be honest, I only see this working if the whole SDK is delivered
via p2 and placed in some "pre-defined" folder. Then it makes sense to
have to have a plugin that automatically says where the sdk is installed

Motorola does something like that, but I think that it is the only sdk
provider that does it.

More thoughts???


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