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RE: [dsdp-mtj-dev] MTJ preprocess content assist support

Hi all,

I would like to explain how I deal with metadata file compatibility and the Configurations management UI.

1.        Forward and backward compatibility.

What I do is just keep all xml element as it is (in old version) in the new version metadata, and add new information about configurations. I don't use version info in .mtj metadata file to do migration.
So if old version MTJ open new version Midlet project (which contains a new version .mtj metada file), it just ignore the configurations information.
If new version MTJ open an old version Midlet project (which contains a old version .mtj metada file), it will create a configuration automatically according the top level <device> xml element. And then will ignore the top level <device> element, use the device in active configuration for current device.
So we have the backward compatibility, and limited forward compatibility.

A known issue is that if user use MTJ 0.9 to open MTJ 0.9.1 project, and do save metadata operation, all configurations information in .mtj file will disappeared. A big problem is that if a team work on a Midlet project, someone use 0.9.1 and someone use 0.9, configurations information will be deleted by guys use 0.9. If we persist Configurations infromation in a separate file (not in .mtj) file, we can avoid this. But this lead to a new metadata file in project, and if in future when we need to add some other metadata, we may again create a new metada file in project. A Midlet project may have to many matedata files.

Do you guys think it's worth for us to store Configurations in a separate file?(Now I store them in .mtj file and I guess it's not hard to store them in another file)

Bellow is the old version .mtj file format and new version .mtj file format:
Old version:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mtjMetadata jad=" Test.jad" version="0.9.0.qualifier">
   <device group="Sun Java(TM) Wireless Toolkit 2.5.2 for CLDC" name="MediaControlSkin"/>
   <signing signProject="false"/>


New version:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mtjMetadata jad="Test.jad" version="0.9.1">
   <device group="Series 40 5th Edition SDK, Feature Pack 1" name="S40_5th_Edition_SDK_Feature_Pack_1"/>
   <signing signProject="false"/>
      <configuration active="true" name="A910">
         <device group="Series 40 5th Edition SDK, Feature Pack 1" name="S40_5th_Edition_SDK_Feature_Pack_1"/>
            <symbol name="JSR172" value="1.0"/>
            <symbol name="screen.bitDepth" value="16"/>
            <symbol name="version.configuration" value="CDLC-1.1"/>
            <symbol name="JSR75" value="1.0"/>
      <configuration active="false" name="DefaultColorPhone">
         <device group="Sun Java(TM) Wireless Toolkit 2.5.2 for CLDC" name="DefaultColorPhone"/>
            <symbol name="J2ME-WS" value="1.0"/>
            <symbol name="CLDC" value="1.1"/>


2.        For Configurations management UI.

The workflow is not complex. User can add/edit/remove/switch-active configuration with that UI. When user change the checked element in the Configurations CheckboxTableViewer, and do save in Application Descriptor editor or click Finish on project properties page, active configuration will switch. Active SymbolSet and current device will change.

Best Regards,
Feng(Marvin) Wang(王峰)

Sybase Software (China) Co., Ltd
Room 1202-1203, Building One,
Zhangjiang Semiconductor Industry Park
3000 Longdong Avenue
Pudong, Shanghai 201203
Tel: +8621-38657441 or 258-7441

"Hildum Eric-XFQ473" <XFQ473@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: dsdp-mtj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

2008-11-05 04:33

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"Mobile Tools for The Java Platform mailing list" <dsdp-mtj-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
RE: [dsdp-mtj-dev] MTJ preprocess content assist support

Okay, I am convinced. The version of MTJ is sufficient for our purposes.
Eric Hildum
Senior Product Manager, Mobile Developer Tools & SDK
Software Platforms and Delivery
Ecosystem and Market Development
Direct: +1-408-541-6809
Mobile: +1-510-305-0801
809 11th Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089

From: dsdp-mtj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dsdp-mtj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Craig Setera
Tuesday, November 04, 2008 12:24
Mobile Tools for The Java Platform mailing list
Re: [dsdp-mtj-dev] MTJ preprocess content assist support

That is the intention of the version in the file... you just need to know what version boundaries the format changed occurred...  

if x > y then migrate1
if x > z then migrate2

The problem with a single version number for the file format is that there may be more dependencies on why you would want to do the migrate.... not to mention that the version number is already there in this way.

On Nov 4, 2008, at 2:18 PM, Hildum Eric-XFQ473 wrote:

Yes, we could use that; however that means we need to keep a list of which versions of MTJ wrote what version of the file. I was actually thinking of a version number for the project file itself that updates only when the project file format/content changes.
Eric Hildum
Senior Product Manager, Mobile Developer Tools & SDK
Software Platforms and Delivery
Ecosystem and Market Development
Direct: +1-408-541-6809
Mobile: +1-510-305-0801
809 11th Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089

From: dsdp-mtj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dsdp-mtj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Sandin Diego-WDS057
Tuesday, November 04, 2008 11:43
Mobile Tools for The Java Platform mailing list
RE: [dsdp-mtj-dev] MTJ preprocess content assist support

The .mtj metadata file has the version of MTJ used to create that project.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mtjMetadata jad="LibSupport.jad" version="0.9.0.qualifier">
   <device group="Sun Java(TM) Wireless Toolkit 2.5.2 for CLDC" name="MediaControlSkin"/>
   <signing signProject="false"/>

We can use this info to automatically run a migration job.

From: dsdp-mtj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dsdp-mtj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Hildum Eric-XFQ473
Tuesday, November 04, 2008 4:37 PM
Mobile Tools for The Java Platform mailing list
RE: [dsdp-mtj-dev] MTJ preprocess content assist support

Automatically migrating forward is a better idea I think. If we establish a policy in the code that we propagate old versions forward automatically (from X versions back) and ignore with warnings unrecognized fields to handle fall back situations, we should be able to maintain good forward and backward compatibility. Do we have a major/minor version number in the project file we can use to trigger conversions?
Eric Hildum
Senior Product Manager, Mobile Developer Tools & SDK
Software Platforms and Delivery
Ecosystem and Market Development
Direct: +1-408-541-6809
Mobile: +1-510-305-0801
809 11th Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089

From: dsdp-mtj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dsdp-mtj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Paula Gustavo-WGP010
Tuesday, November 04, 2008 4:55
Mobile Tools for The Java Platform mailing list
RE: [dsdp-mtj-dev] MTJ preprocess content assist support

hi gang,
thanks for the detailed requirements... they look great!
below are some comments
FR001 - Configuration data format & persistence:
if the user already has a MTJ project created with 0.9 what will happen when he opens it with 0.9.1? you mention that the the .mtj file format will be changed.
probably it would be important that the code checks if the project is in the 0.9 format and automatically convert it to the new format (then we would keep workspace compatibility). other options is to have the configurations on another file and keep the .mtj file as it is to have a backword compatibility. not sure if it better. the last option is to just break the workspace compatibility, but i'm not sure if it is a good ideia to do that.
the change on the format also means that a 0.9.1 project will not be opened with MTJ 0.9 isn't it?
Multi-Config: FR003 - manage configurations
do you have some suggestion on the UI workflow for that? besides that, how is the user going to set the current active configuration?
Multi-Config: FR007 - Preprocess symbols content-assist
are we also going to do some kind of validation based on the symbol type? for instance mark the core with "error" if teh develoeprs enter something like //#if screenwidth > "gustavo". not sure if this is necessary (or even possible), but might be good for the user

From: dsdp-mtj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dsdp-mtj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf OfGang.Ma@xxxxxxxxxx
terça-feira, 4 de novembro de 2008 07:54
Mobile Tools for The Java Platform mailing list
[dsdp-mtj-dev] MTJ preprocess content assist support

Hi all,

I have updated the wiki page to add detail information about the preprocess content assist support, please see it at:,  from "Multi-Config: FR006" to "Multi-Config: FR009"

I also create some bugzilla entries for it:

1. ([multdevice]: Preprocess directive content-assist), describe how to show preprocess directive proposal
2. ([multdevice]: Preprocess symbols content-assist), describe how to show preprocess symbol proposal
3. ([multdevice]: Preprocess Template content-assist), describe how to show preprocess template proposal
4. ([multdevice]: Preprocess template configuration), describe how to configure preprocess template.

any comments and suggestions are welcome.

Best Regards

Gang(Allen) Ma

Sybase Software (China) Co., Ltd

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