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RE: [dsdp-dd-dev] New type of launch discussion

You make a good point.
So, it is probably better to stick to what we have now, to somehow support "attaching to a remote app",
and to make sure the cases you mention below will work with one of the supported launches.
Later one, if we can come up with a clear terminology, we should clarify these existing launches.
-----Original Message-----
From: dsdp-dd-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dsdp-dd-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of John Cortell
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 10:20 AM
To: Device Debugging developer discussions; DD DEV (E-mail)
Subject: Re: [dsdp-dd-dev] New type of launch discussion

I think the use of "local" and "remote" have a clear meaning in a desktop environment but not in the embedded space.

 local = debugging an application running on the machine hosting the debugger
 remote = debugging an application running on a remote machine

   - you can debug a simulator running on the machine hosting the debugger
   - you can debug a simulator running on a remote machine
   - you can debug a device attached to the machine hosting the debugger
   - you can debug a device attached to a remote machine (talking to the run control server over the net)
   - you can debug a device attached to the network
      - using a local run control server that drives the probe over TCP/IP
      - talking to an agent on the device (e.g., gdb server)

I mean only to point out the challenges of picking good terminology. Unfortunately, I don't think there's going to be a perfect set of names for launch types that serves all these use cases, but as long as these scenarios are kept in mind, there's a chance of coming up with something decent.


At 09:03 AM 5/8/2008, Marc Khouzam wrote:
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currently DSF-GDB supports the following launches:
Local debugging
Attach to local running application
Remote debugging
Besides debugging of a core file, which I will not address here, there
is another possibility, which is to Attach to a remote running application.
I don't believe CDI supports this.  However, I would like to add this to
DSF-GDB (as we discussed in a previous meeting.)
Having looked at the design of such support, I got to thinking that
the launches should be divided into two types:
Local debugging
Remote debugging
Each of these would support
    - start an application
    - attach to running application
I think this makes sense to a user, and allows for the most code sharing.
It also reduces the number of launch configuration types.
My concern is that maybe it is too late to remove the "Attach to local running application"
launch configuration type since we are past M7.
Any thoughts in the proposal and how to go about it?


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Marc Khouzam
Software Designer, Methods and Tools


Ericsson Canada Inc

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Office: +514 345 7900 x42350
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Email: Marc.Khouzam@xxxxxxxxxxxx

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