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[dsdp-dd-dev] GDB-DSF disassembly

Hi All,
In the interest of full disclosure I should inform everyone that in the last GDB-DSF meeting we decided to adapt the Wind River disassembly editor that Toni contributed to bug 196064 to use with GDB-DSF. As M7 (feature freeze) is approaching rather fast we thought it would be wise to hedge our bets to make sure we have a working disassembly editor in the 1.0 release. This solution is meant to be only temporary as it has a lot of shortcomings, which Mikhail's disassembly view has addressed (at least in design). If Mikhail's disassembly view gets completed in time for 1.0 we will still evaluate it, if it does not we can switch over to it in the coming DD releases.


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