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Re: [dsdp-dd-dev] DD Features (Was: Device Debug 1.0.0M6 candidateready for testing)

Marc Khouzam wrote:
How about something like:
DSF GDB-Launch or DSF GDB-LaunchExtension
That last one is the one bothering me.  The GDB launch code is in the MI feature, but the GDB launch extensions are in the new feature.
I'm not sure how to convey that to people downloading our features...
I like that.  And I'm fine with GDB-Launch as well.
-----Original Message-----
From: dsdp-dd-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dsdp-dd-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Pawel Piech
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 1:54 PM
To: Device Debugging developer discussions
Subject: Re: [dsdp-dd-dev] DD Features (Was: Device Debug 1.0.0M6 candidateready for testing)

Do you think the features should be named: GDB, and GDB-Launch, instead of MI and GDB?

Yes, it's pretty easy to change the name that appears on the update site.  I think the name on the download page is also retrieved from the feature itself, but Ted would need to confirm. 


Marc Khouzam wrote:
From my very recent (like 3 minutes ago) understanding of the use of features, I gather that we want to provide features that integrators will not have
to remove plugins from (originally, I thought integrators would just remove the org.eclipse.dd.gdb.launch jar file, if there
were not interested in it.)
If that is our goal, then your suggestion below makes a lot of sense.  My only concern is the naming of the features:
having DSF-MI contain all our GDB code, and GDB-MI just the ability to launch it, does not seem obvious to me.
But I wonder how the features to indicate that there is GDB -code- and GDB -launching-....
Is it easy to rename features?
-----Original Message-----
From: dsdp-dd-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dsdp-dd-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Pawel Piech
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 1:10 PM
To: Device Debugging developer discussions
Subject: [dsdp-dd-dev] DD Features (Was: Device Debug 1.0.0 M6 candidateready for testing)

I'm starting to second guess our features in general.  Currently we have:
  • Traditional Memory Rendering
  • IPXACT Editor & Checker
    • This includes both DSF and MI components
  • GDB-MI Implementation (Requires DSF SDK)
    • This includes the GDB component only
The problem is that if someone wants to use DSF with a non-MI based debugger, they still have to include the MI component from the DSF-SDK feature.  I suggest that we crate a new feature: DSF-MI and include both MI and GDB plugins in it.  Then we can modify the GDB-MI feature to only contain the GDB launch registration.  For commercial debuggers that use the MI protocol, it shouldn't be a big burden to include the gdb and gdb.ui plugins, since they are rather light.



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