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Re: [dsdp-dd-dev] Enhanced Run/Debug launching support coming in I20070227

>Does this mean with contextual launches turned on, you can no longer 
run/debug the "last launched" configuration? 

With contextual launching turned on there is no explicit action to "launch 
last". However, the change in behavior is subtle. If you are editing files 
associated with the last launch (which is often the case), then pressing 
run/debug (or key bindings) will be equivalent to launch last.

There are some situations where this is not exactly what you want (for 
example, when editing a class in a plug-in after running the test suite, 
pressing run will run a workbench rather than the JUnit test suite). 
However, I think you'll find that most of the time, the actions launch 
what you want. The launch history is still available in drop downs, and we 
intend to leave the old launching behavior in tact for users that want it 
(as a user preference). 

Darin Wright

Sent by: dsdp-dd-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
02/26/2007 02:10 PM
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Re: [dsdp-dd-dev] Enhanced Run/Debug launching support coming   in 

Hi Darin, 

Does this mean with contextual launches turned on, you can no longer 
run/debug the "last launched" configuration?  I'm not sure I have a 
problem with this yet until I try it - but I know this behavior is pretty 
ingrained in our users (as well as myself!) right now.  I was just 
wondering if there was any way to leverage the advantages of both the new 
contextual behavior, plus those of the old "last launched" behavior.  The 
only way I can think to do it is to make them separate actions. 


Darin Wright <Darin_Wright@xxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: dsdp-dd-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 
02/26/2007 12:19 PM 

Please respond to
Device Debugging developer discussions <dsdp-dd-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

platform-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, dsdp-dd-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx 
[dsdp-dd-dev] Enhanced Run/Debug launching support coming in I20070227

In this week's integration build (Feb 27th) debug has released support 
that simplifies launching for novice users (see bug 74480). The support is 

turned off by default, but you can activate it on the "Run/Debug > 
Contextual Launching" preference page ("Enable contextual launch"). We 
anticipate that the new and improved launch behavior will be the default 
setting in Eclipse 3.3 (and 3.3.M6), and we encourage developers to try it 

and file any bugs as necessary. 

Before using the new support you should migrate existing launch 
configurations on the "Run/Debug > Launching > Launch Configurations" 
preference page, to ensure all resource mappings for launch configurations 

are up to date.

The main difference between the old and new launch support is that when 
you press the Run or Debug button (or F11, Ctrl-F11), rather than 
re-launching the previous launch, we launch the selected resource or 
active editor.

Different situations may apply:
* If the selection has never been launched, it will be launched 
automatically based on applicable launch shortcuts (what you see in the 
"Run As >" menu). If there is only one applicable launch shortcut, it will 

be used to launch the resource. If there is more than one applicable 
launch shortcut, you will be prompted to choose a way to launch the 
* If the selection has been launched before, the most recently launched 
configuration associated with the resource is launched. For example, if 
you’re working on a class in a plug-in, the most recently launched Eclipse 

Application launch configuration will be re-launched.
* If there are no launch configurations in the recent launch history 
associated with the selection but there are configurations in the 
workspace associated with the resource, you will be prompted to choose 
from those configurations associated with the resource.

Additionally, you can manage your launch configurations as resource 
properties. Opening the properties dialog on a resource now shows a 
"Run/Debug Setting" property page where all configurations associated with 

that resource (and its children), are shown. You can create, edit, and 
delete configurations from this page. This provides a scoped view of 
launch configurations for the selected resource.

For power users, the "Run/Debug As" context menu actions are still 
available. For example, if you want to launch a resource specifically as a 

JUnit test rather than a Java Application, you can still do this from the 
context menu. As well, the traditional launch dialog is still available – 
but the actions has been renamed to "Open Run Dialog…" and "Open Debug 

The Debug Team

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