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Re: [Dltk-dev] i like to have a core interface change in ISourceElementParser (add one method)

I mean declare the parameter as

package org.eclipse.dltk.compiler.env;

public interface ISourceModule extends IDependent {
	IPath getScriptFolder();
	String getSourceContents();
	IModelElement getModelElement();

Traditional source modules implement this interface too.


Johan Compagner wrote:
so drop the other method/replace it completely?

I checked that out but there are a few places (like SourceIndexer in the else part)
where i see we dont really have a ISourceModule

can we create also for that an ISourceModule easily? (its not a simple interface :) )


On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Alex Panchenko <alex@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:alex@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hi Johan,

    We have discussed this issue - it would be better to change old
    parseSourceModule method to the following:

    void parseSourceModule(
    org.eclipse.dltk.compiler.env.ISourceModule module,
    ISourceModuleInfo cache);

    org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.SourceModule implements both
    ISourceModule interfaces (org.eclipse.dltk.core.ISourceModule and

    The places like [Lang]CalleeProcessor could provide implementations
    of the org.eclipse.dltk.compiler.env.ISourceModule.

    The additional benefit of this change is that source module content
    would not be retrieved when AST is already in the cache.


    Johan Compagner wrote:


        past week i was very busy with getting the js code completion
        into overdrive
        now i have that pretty much all working, i am still working on
        tweaks and stuff (like better/full support of all the build in
        stuff like string, date, number and array)

        But what is working now is that we can have code completion on
        pretty much anything we use including what the
        IDesignTimeDOMProvider provides for completion
        it is pretty much 'typed' all the way now, its very cool and
        very helpful for us.

        The changes are almost all in the javascript projects except one
        and that is the entry point to it all:

        void parseSourceModule(char[] contents, ISourceModuleInfo cache,
                   char[] filename);

        ISourceElement parser has that method and that is called in in
        SourceParserUtils like this:

        public static void parseSourceModule(ISourceModule module,
                   ISourceElementParser parser) {
               char[] contents;
               try {
                   contents = module.getSourceAsCharArray();
                   ISourceModuleInfoCache sourceModuleInfoCache =
                   ISourceModuleInfo mifo =
                   parser.parseSourceModule(contents, mifo, module.getPath()
               } catch (ModelException e) {
                   if (DLTKCore.DEBUG) {

        so the source module is already broken up there. But in the
        JavaScriptElementParser i need the ISourceModule

        so i added
           void parseSourceModule(ISourceModule module,
        ISourceModuleInfo mifo);

        and let the SourceParserUtils call that method instead of
        breaking down ISourceModule before hand.

        Is it ok to check this in? Other implementations can just do
        what SourceParserUtils  does and have a very simple
        implementation that just
        call the existing method by extracting the contents and the path
        from tthe source module



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