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Re: [Dltk-dev] Python debugger

  i can't reproduce this on my end (although i am on a mac) - i'm synced against the latest from cvs, but the nightly i pointed to before should be more or less equivalent, so give that a try.

On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Jae Gangemi <jgangemi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

  the python script is replacing the internal debugging engine for python. i'm not sure why you're getting the exception though.

  if you're feeling brave, you could try the latest integration build from here to see if the problem still exists.

On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 4:39 PM, Andrew Mickish <mickish@xxxxxxx> wrote:
This is the content of my Python debugger's bin directory:

When I set the debugging engine to, then the Debug button successfully runs the program, like when I hit the Run button.  But when I set a breakpoint in the script, then I get the error

  An internal error occurred during: "Resume operation"

It does seem to know the difference between a bogus file name and  It won't run unless it's set to  But I don't understand why you would supply a python script as a debugging engine...

BTW, I'm using Eclipse 3.3.0 and DLTK 0.95.0 (downloaded today).

Jae Gangemi wrote:

  i've never tried using the python proxy as the engine, i use the other file that's in the bin directory, pydbgp - i'd imagine there is one w/ a '.exe' on the end of it for windows (i'm on a mac).

On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 4:12 PM, Andrew Mickish <mickish@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I installed the ActiveState Python interpreter in C:\Python25, and unzipped the debugger in

My Preferences->Python->Debug->Engines->ActiveState->Path is set to C:\Python25\Komodo-PythonRemoteDebugging-4.4.1-20896-win32-x86\bin\pydbgpproxy.exe

My Python program Runs, but when I try to Debug, I get an error launching:

  Debugging Engine not connected to IDE

Any ideas why I'm not able to debug Python scripts?


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