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Re: [Dltk-dev] exception updating variable children count

If fixed yesterday something in that area in the refreshVariables() methods

There where also cases that numchildren was X (x>0) but the children wherent filled.
But i guess this is just lazy behavior, because that node does have children they are just not filled in yet somehow?
But i dont know if this is expected lazy behavior or not?

cvs ci -m "fix for null pointer,
getchildcount of the property can return >0 but the property doesnt have to have the AvailableChildren yet loaded in it. i guess this is lazy behavior.
else v.getValue() would result in an value object with childs/variables that is en empty array" -l "/org.eclipse.dltk.debug/src/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/debug/core/model/"
    /cvsroot/technology/org.eclipse.dltk/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.debug/src/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/debug/core/model/,v  <--  src/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/debug/core/model/
    new revision: 1.19; previous revision: 1.18
ok (took 0:00.641)


On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 2:05 PM, Alex Panchenko <alex@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Jae,

One of the problems was the parsing of the property children nodes - nodeName was not checked.
I have fixed that code.

And another issue is strange numchildren values.

If returns the following context names:

<response xmlns="urn:debugger_protocol_v1" command="context_names" transaction_id="12">
<context name="Locals" id="0"/>
<context name="Globals" id="1"/>
<context name="Code Objects" id="2"/>*


We treat 2 as class variables, but here it is "*Code Objects"*, and it returns A and B with numchildren=1,
and getObject() function with numchildren=7 (does it mean number of lines?).

At the moment I have added code to fill children that were not retrieved from the debugger with instances of the UnknownVariable.

I don't know what these code objects mean for the python developer. Probably we should handle them specially, but that should be configured for the python only.


Jae Gangemi wrote:
hello all -

 i keep getting an exception thrown when the code tries to update the children count for python objects. i've tracked down the issue and it seems that for some values returned by the python engine, the children count is less than the available children count. the ScriptValue object's 'variables' field is initialized to be the size of 'property.getChildrenCount', and 'fillVariables' is making a call to getAvailableChildren and an ArrayOutOfBoundsException ends up being thrown b/c the 'variables' array ends up being too small.

 you can see this behavior for yourself by using the attached python script. just set a breakpoint on line 21 (myobject = getObject(1)) and then 'step over'.

 the attached patch fixes this behavior by checking to see if the 'childrenCount' of the dbgp property is less then the number of 'availableChildren' (instead of checking to see if it's less then 0), and if yes, then it sets the 'childrenCount' = availableChildren. as far as i can tell, this change does not seem to negatively impact any of the other debuggers, but perhaps there is a better solution for this.


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