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[Dltk-dev] The Console plugins..


i quickly build my own scripting console where you can just execute (eval) strings to a running debug session (if a break point is hit)

But i also looked at the org.eclipse.dltk.console.* plugins
But that thing completely doesnt work for me at alle (and i get null pointer errors) because at first it tries to do this:

private _javascript_Console createConsoleInstance(IScriptInterpreter interpreter, String id) {
        if (interpreter == null) {
            try {
                id = "default";
                interpreter = new _javascript_Interpreter();
//                _javascript_ConsoleUtil
//                        .runDefaultTclInterpreter((_javascript_Interpreter) interpreter);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return null;

        return makeConsole((_javascript_Interpreter) interpreter, id);

And then the 2 lines that are commented now..
in that call this happens:

ScriptConsoleServer server = ScriptConsoleServer.getInstance();

        String id = server.register(interpreter);
        String port = Integer.toString(server.getPort());

        String[] args = new String[] { "", port, id };

        // TODO: Add environments support
        IExecutionEnvironment exeEnv = (IExecutionEnvironment) EnvironmentManager
        IFileHandle scriptFile = _javascript_LaunchingPlugin.getDefault()
        ScriptLaunchUtil.runScript(_javascript_Nature.NATURE_ID, scriptFile,
                null, null, args, null);

but that is really not working for our case..
Because that just tries to run a script.. That cant happen for us because our scripts are already running in a rhino debug environment (remotely)

So my question is why is it this way? Why isnt it just connection to the active suspended IScriptThread/ScriptFrame ?
i just do it in one simple method:

private String execute(String txt)
        IScriptThread scriptThread = getActiveScriptThread();
        if (scriptThread != null)
            IScriptStackFrame frame = null;
                IStackFrame[] stackFrames = scriptThread.getStackFrames();
                if (stackFrames.length == 0) return null;
                frame = (IScriptStackFrame) stackFrames[stackFrames.length-1];
            catch (DebugException ex1)
            IScriptEvaluationResult syncEvaluate = scriptThread.getEvaluationEngine().syncEvaluate(txt, frame);
            if (syncEvaluate.getValue() != null)
                    return syncEvaluate.getValue().getValueString();
                catch (DebugException ex)
                    return ex.toString();
            return syncEvaluate.getException().toString();
        return null;

and that works great.. Through the dbgp  protocol and debug connection..

But i get a very itchy feeling now that for many parts i am now duplicating code :( (History/Code completion)
So why does the current ScriptConsole implementation not go through the dbgp protocol?
I just enable my view based on a SUSPEND and disable it again on a RESUME event from the DebugPlugin..
One little problem if there where 2 launches that both are suspended. I have no idea what is the selected one is (but that should be a listener somewhere i guess)

Are there any plans to rewrite the console so that i works through the protocol and with an existing debugging session?


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