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[dirigible-dev] MoM 2017-02-15

Dirigible/Meeting minutes/20170215

Participants Nikolay, Georgi P., Ekaterina, Dragomir, Adriana, Yordan, Nedelcho,

IP related

CQs for 2.7:

New features update

  • Updated IAM, BizON, arestme, daoism and discussion_boards (+ templates)


  • Minor fixes


  • Include the content from the curriculum "Разработка на техническа документация и информационни архитектури"
  • Nikolay will organise the Lectures Track for FMI University. Timeframe - end of Summer 2017. Categories to be defined as well as the business scenario which will be built. 14 lectures / 2h each.
  • Preparation of a packaging without OSGi/Equinox/RAP and to improve the LightIDE to become full-fledged IDE
  • Adapt the new version of the Tabris.js
  • V8 seems too complex to be adapted for our cases as of now. For the singletons e.g. "request", "response", etc. it is achievable, but for the arbitrary object trees - it should go via handles, which can lead to problematic garbage collecting.
  • Improvements of the generation from templates based on rootFolder
  • Fun -



Milestone 2.7M2 to be released


Participation and preparation for SAP d-kom 1 regular session and 4 demojam sessions

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