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[dataspace-wg] Dataspace Working Group Specification Committee Election Notice - Committer Member Representative

All: As communicated earlier this week, we have two candidates to fill the Committer Member Representative seat for the Specification Committee.  This email communication introduces the standing candidates and provides an overview of how the election process will work:

Standing Candidates:

  • Ewout Bouwman

  • Markus Spiekermann

Ballot Distribution:

You will receive a ballot via email communication if you are a committer on a Dataspace project within the purview of the Dataspace Working Group.

Election Information:

Eclipse Working Group elections are performed using a process known as Single Transferable Vote which requires each voter to complete a ranked ballot. By ranked ballot we mean that each voter ranks the candidates in their order of preference. 

The advantage of this approach is being able to elect candidates which reflect the voters’ preferences.  

Third Party Election System:

The Eclipse Foundation uses a third party election system [1] that performs the election calculations.  Elections are performed with high integrity where a unique link is created with a random and secret access key for each voter.  Additionally, voter anonymity uses secret ballots ensuring voters’ choices cannot be linked to voters. Voters must rank all candidates and cannot award two candidates the same ranking. 

Ballots will be distributed today and the voting period will remain open until August 22, 2024 (EOB).

If you are a standing candidate in an election, please know you can certainly vote for yourself! In fact, it is quite normal to rank yourself as your #1 (highest) selection.

If you feel you should have received a ballot via email but cannot locate it, please check your spam filter.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.


Best Regards,

Sharon Corbett

Program Director, Industry Collaborations Operations
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