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[dataspace-wg] [EDWG] Community GitLab Repository

Dear EDWG colleagues,

I just realised I did not use this general mailing list to introduce myself. So please let me use this email to do so and also present you with some updates.
As you might know, we have been busy at our EDWG Steering Committee on the past weeks trying to move forward and start all the activities as described in our charter and the approved Program Plan for 2024.
In order for all Working Group members to have visibility on these actions, I created a GitLab repository visible for all members named EDWG Community. More specifically, you will find a folder there for Approved SC minutes. This is where I will place all the already approved minutes files of our meetings, and announce them when available. Therefore, let us use this email as announcement of the publication of all the SC minutes approved so far.

Should you have comments or questions on this or other EDWG related topics, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Javier Valiño
DataSpaces Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH
+34 687 442 681 | | Twitter | LinkedIn | YouTube 

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