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[dataspace-wg] Updated WGPA for EDWG available

Dear all,

based on the feedback of some of you we updated the WGPA for joining the upcoming Eclipse Dataspace Working Group.

We added the following section on page 6 for clarification (it was already included in the EDWG draft charter, but it was proposed to also add this to the WGPA)

No Participation Fees are charged in 2023. All Members who join prior to January 1, 2024, agree to begin paying the full annual fees associated with their participation effective January 1, 2024 and each January 1st thereafter. All Members who join the working group in 2024 or beyond shall pay the full annual fees effective the month they join the working group, and each anniversary month thereafter.

No other changes were made.

Next steps: 
I'm not sure if based on the previous messages by Sharon everyone fully understood that the enrollment process for the Eclipse Dataspace Working Group has started.

So the next steps from our perspective are
  • Interested parties sign the WGPA to formally join the upcoming Eclipse Dataspace Working Group (and the EF membership documents in case they are not yet member of the EF see below)

  • The initial Steering Committee meeting in which the Draft Charter will be ratified is planned around October 5th

  • We plan to publish a Press Release on the successful launch of the EDWG on October 16th during the EclipseCon 2023

  • We would ask each organisation, which wants to support/join this PR activity to provide the signed WGPA before September 13th, to allow for some time to align on the content of the PR and to run through the needed approval processes at your resp organisation

  • All other organisations which want to join the initial SC meeting are asked to provide their signed WGPA before September 27th

Some more points
  • For all interested organisations which are not yet members of the Eclipse Foundation: Next to signing the above WGPA you would also need to become a member of the Eclipse Foundation before you can join the WG.
    Details can be found here:  In case of any questions feel free to reach out to me.

  • We also will have an all-interested-parties call next week (details to follow) where we can discuss such open questions
Have a great day

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