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[dash-dev] Fwd: Re: Git repo for m4e tools

We have a git directory on

Aaron, make sure that your Git committer id is the email address that you intend to use as an Eclipse committer.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [dash-dev] Git repo for m4e tools
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 13:53:03 -0400
From: Webmaster(Matt Ward) <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Wayne Beaton <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx>


Your project now has a container for Git repositories on  You (or someone on your project team that has SSH 
access) must now create one or more repositories, unless these 
repositories were created for you by webmaster.  You are encouraged to 
create one repository per component or module in your project (where a 
component can be a plugin or a sub-project).

   ssh committer_id@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   cd /gitroot/dash
   initrepo org.eclipse.dash.m4e.git

Once your repository has been created, you can access it like so:
   Committer: git clone 

   Anonymous: git clone 
   Anonymous http: 
   Web browsable via:

Committer access via https is disabled (and discouraged), but it is 
available.  Please ask us if you absolutely need commit access over https.

For more information about Git, please see the Git wiki page and 
migration guide:

*IMPORTANT NOTE: * will *REFUSE* pushed changes if the 
Committer entry is not YOU.  Please ensure you configure your git 
environment correctly, by specifying your Eclipse Committer email 
address before committing.  Please see the Git wiki page (above) for 
more details, or read this blog posting:

-- Eclipse Webmaster

Wayne Beaton wrote:
> Webmaster, can you provision a Git repo for Dash?
> For completeness, I believe that the proposed work falls under the scope
> of the Dash project.
> Aaron, we should be able to create the repo fairly quickly, but you
> won't be able to commit anything into it until you've been made a
> committer. I have sent personal notes to a handful of our committers
> asking them to vote (voter apathy was the cause of the last failure).
> Again, I didn't anticipate this need or I'd have made these arrangements
> earlier. Sorry for that.
> Thanks,
> Wayne


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