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[dash-dev] Re: VTP builds are broken

== Permissions ==

Ask webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxx via a bugzilla assigned to them. If you're a committer, you should be able to get:

a) full shell access to log into or
b) jar signer priviledges
c) write permissions under /home/data/httpd/ and /home/data/httpd/ for your project.

You already have admin rights for the vtp job on build.eclipse. Log in as tegilman here:

Generally you can't rename jobs, but you can ask for them to be renamed. (The job above is the only one I can see for "voicetools" or "vtp". Must have already been renamed for you?)

== Deployment ==

You can clone/edit the PHP code used by sites like VE or GEF [1], [2] and search into the contents of directories on from scripts on Or you can generate PHP which will simply index directories [3].


Beyond that, YMWV.


On 07/16/2010 03:07 PM, Trip Gilman wrote:
Hey Nick,

     I've been caught up on some things external to the VTP for some time.
However, I have been able to re-engage lately and want to finally finish the
work of getting the VTP builds up and running.

     I have updated the build properties to the latest release for 3.6 and
checked the changes into our releng project.  I don't seem to have the admin
rights for this project any longer.  Could I get those reactivated?  Also, I
noticed that the name for our job still includes galileo in it's label.
Will I be able to change that once I can administer the build project again?

     The biggest question I have is around deploying the results of the
build.  Has there been any advances in this arena since I was working on
this last year?  At that time there was no automated way to produce the
download links on the VTP site after the build.  We were trying to do it
manually but lost track of the effort.

Trip Gilman

On 10/6/09 4:25 PM, "Nick Boldt"<nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx>  wrote:

Despite the green icons on the build, you're NOT getting valid builds.
Problem was an invalid path to the file, which I've
fixed in Hudson.

Next problem is that your file in SVN points to Eclipse
3.5M6, which no longer exists on so the build
fails to download it and thus fails to go any further.


I suggest you update your to include one of this file
instead (or get the 3.5.1 release if you prefer):



Nick Boldt ::
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena

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