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[dash-dev] XText M7 Dependency issue

Hi guys,

See below. I've also tried removing the itemis site, but then the failure occurs earlier, with:

   [p2.dir] !MESSAGE Cannot satisfy dependency:
   [p2.dir] !SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director 4 0 2010-05-05 02:42:25.579
   [p2.dir] !MESSAGE From: Xtext Runtime 1.0.0.v201005041135 ( 1.0.0.v201005041135)
   [p2.dir] !SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director 4 0 2010-05-05 02:42:25.580
   [p2.dir] !MESSAGE To: org.eclipse.xtext.util [1.0.0.v201005041135]
   [p2.dir]  Cannot satisfy dependency:
   [p2.dir]   From: Xtext Runtime 1.0.0.v201005041135 ( 1.0.0.v201005041135)
   [p2.dir]   To: org.eclipse.xtext.util [1.0.0.v201005041135]
So I think the Itemis site really needs to be there. Is there any kind of dependency change between XText M6 and M7 that might have failed it?

Does anyone know off hand if there are other projects with dependencies on Xtext 1.0.0 that are also using CBI Build?



Begin forwarded message:

From: Miles Parker <milesparker@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: May 4, 2010 12:28:28 PM PDT
To: Tools for Committer Community <dash-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: TMF / XText build dependency problem? org.aopalliance.aop

Hi XText guys, If you're monitoring Dash, I wanted to warn you -- Chuck Norris is after me, but I told him it wasn't my fault, and pointed him in your direction!

It looks like maybe some kind of dependency is missing from the 0504 drop? Everything worked fine until then. I tried a bunch of different options, but I get the same thing. For example:


I get:

   [p2.dir] !ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.p2.artifact.repository 4 1000 2010-05-04 15:19:52.330
   [p2.dir] !MESSAGE No repository found at file:/opt/users/hudsonbuild/.hudson/jobs/cbi-amp-nightly/workspace/build/N201005041517/eclipse/p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine/profileRegistry/SDKProfile.profile/.
   [p2.dir] Installing 2.5.0.v200906151043.
   [p2.dir] Installing 2.5.0.v200906151043.
   [p2.dir] Installing 3.5.2.v20100111-1352-777928194B66D5D476C33B2A.
   [p2.dir] Installing 1.1.2.v20100111-1352-6618yD6DH8G6N59OM53B2A.
   [p2.dir] Installing 1.0.0.v201005041053.
   [p2.dir] Installing 1.0.0.v201005041053.
   [p2.dir] Installing 1.0.0.v201005041135.
   [p2.dir] Installing 1.0.0.v201005041135.
   [p2.dir] !ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director 4 1 2010-05-04 15:20:15.748
   [p2.dir] !MESSAGE Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
   [p2.dir] !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director 4 0 2010-05-04 15:20:15.748
   [p2.dir] !MESSAGE Software being installed: Xtext Runtime 1.0.0.v201005041135 ( 1.0.0.v201005041135)
   [p2.dir] !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director 4 0 2010-05-04 15:20:15.748
   [p2.dir] !MESSAGE Missing requirement: Google Guice 2.0.0.v201003051000 ( 2.0.0.v201003051000) requires 'package org.aopalliance.aop 1.0.0' but it could not be found
   [p2.dir] !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director 4 1 2010-05-04 15:20:15.749
   [p2.dir] !MESSAGE Cannot satisfy dependency:
   [p2.dir] !SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director 4 0 2010-05-04 15:20:15.749
   [p2.dir] !MESSAGE From: Xtext Runtime 1.0.0.v201005041135 ( 1.0.0.v201005041135)
   [p2.dir] !SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director 4 0 2010-05-04 15:20:15.749
   [p2.dir] !MESSAGE To: org.eclipse.xtext.util [1.0.0.v201005041135]
   [p2.dir] !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director 4 1 2010-05-04 15:20:15.749
   [p2.dir] !MESSAGE Cannot satisfy dependency:
   [p2.dir] !SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director 4 0 2010-05-04 15:20:15.750
   [p2.dir] !MESSAGE From: Xtext Utility 1.0.0.v201005041135 (org.eclipse.xtext.util 1.0.0.v201005041135)
   [p2.dir] !SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director 4 0 2010-05-04 15:20:15.750
   [p2.dir] !MESSAGE To: bundle 2.0.0
   [p2.dir] Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
   [p2.dir]  Software being installed: Xtext Runtime 1.0.0.v201005041135 ( 1.0.0.v201005041135)
   [p2.dir]  Missing requirement: Google Guice 2.0.0.v201003051000 ( 2.0.0.v201003051000) requires 'package org.aopalliance.aop 1.0.0' but it could not be found
   [p2.dir]  Cannot satisfy dependency:
   [p2.dir]   From: Xtext Runtime 1.0.0.v201005041135 ( 1.0.0.v201005041135)
   [p2.dir]   To: org.eclipse.xtext.util [1.0.0.v201005041135]
   [p2.dir]  Cannot satisfy dependency:
   [p2.dir]   From: Xtext Utility 1.0.0.v201005041135 (org.eclipse.xtext.util 1.0.0.v201005041135)
   [p2.dir]   To: bundle 2.0.0

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