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[dash-dev] Hudson build jobs dependencies

Hi guys,

I've just updated my dependencies to use xtext, mwe, and xpand 1.0.0, and I'm having a real time of it trying to get the new dependencies. I tried the regular download sites, but I think that the MWE2 stuff is only available on the hudson build system itself (?) So I thought I'd just follow the xpand and xtext setup but that doesn't seem to be working for me either..

I just copied the depdendency URLs from the xtext build..

And stuck them in mine:


But I get:

/opt/users/hudsonbuild/.hudson/jobs/cbi-amp-nightly/workspace/build/org.eclipse.dash.common.releng/tools/scripts/buildAllHelper.xml:3176: Can't get to /opt/users/hudsonbuild/.hudson/jobs/cbi-amp-nightly/workspace/build/downloads/

Should this be as straightforward as it looks, or am I perhaps just missing some kind of setup that is needed to make consuming other hudson build artifacts work?



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