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[dash-dev] SearchCVS, Release Notes, and Helios .build files (was Re: [emf-dev] EMF Core Build)

The SearchCVS / Release Notes is independent of the PDE/Maven/b3/makefile build technology. Updating that database simply requires updating the RSS feed which the database watches in order to load new releases.

No one has yet asked that the promote.xml script used in Athena have an additional optional step to publish information into an RSS feed, but that's fairly easy to do should it be required. If that's a requirement of EMF moving to Athena, I'll push such a TODO up the list so that you can continue to enjoy that feature.

On a related note, Athena now does Helios-style .build files. If you publish your own file into the Helios cvs repo, you can use Athena's promote.xml to update that file with the newly published update site feature versions - it simply replaces the existing list of features' versions w/ new ones. So, you still have to maintain the file yourself (eg., adding email contact information and categories) but there's an automated process to allow you to keep the .build file current. See for details (until I get around to publishing documentation, that is). I'm copying dash-dev to announce this because I want to have some people try it out and see how badly it breaks Helios. I suspect it should be fine, but regex pattern matching in XML files can be a dangerous beast sometimes. And yeah, I could have gone the DOM or model route, but that's where all ya'll modelers could be providing a patch/replacement. :)


On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 10:57 PM, Marcelo Paternostro <marcelop@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Very well put Ian.

The issue we face now is to find someone that is willing to take care of the builds or, at least, to join forces to keep them running. This person (or people) should then decide the technology to be used and also the artifacts that are created by the build. A bit more on the latter, moving to another build implementation like Athena **may** imply losing, for example, the "Search CVS" and the automated "Release Notes". I believe many would be sad about this, but, at this very moment, these services are pointless since we don't have the capability to produce a new build.

Best regards,

Marcelo Paternostro
IBM Canada Lab

From: Ian Bull <irbull@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Eclipse Modelling Framework <emf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2010/01/25 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: [emf-dev] EMF Core Build
Sent by: emf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx


From what I understand (and that is usually pretty limited), b3 is a build technology (same category of technologies as Maven, Ant, PDE/Build, etc...).  The problem here (also faced by many Eclipse projects) is not the choice of build technology, but rather build infrastructure.  How are the builds being run, how are they propagated, how are errors reported, who handles the errors, who gives the +1 / -1 to the builds, etc...

I think (again, I could be wrong) this is where Athena enters the picture.  From a technology adoption standpoint, using b3 may make perfect sense, but I'm not sure it solves the problem that Dave and Marcelo raised.

Maybe b3 is aimed to bring the build technology and build infrastructure gap closer together, and if so great!  Maybe someone with more knowledge of the b3 project could comment here.


On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 6:51 AM, Kenn Hussey <kenn.hussey@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It would make more sense (to me) for the build to be migrated to b3.


On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 5:27 AM, Cédric Brun <cedric.brun@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear Vlad ,

I was just signifying the fact that you spoiled the plot of a "good science fiction movie" which some people might want to watch too. I tried to keep the constructive tone you used in your note.

Going back to the EMF issue : obviously some people cares about the build  (I do !) and moving it to Athena would ease the integration of new people to maintain it.


Le 25/01/2010 11:15, Vlad Varnica a écrit :

Dear Cedric,

We are not at my children's garden Junior School so please explain your point of view and don't reply such a  way.
Kind Regards,


Cédric Brun wrote:

Spoiler !

Le 25/01/2010 10:58, Vlad Varnica a écrit :


I watched a good science fiction movie named  "The day the earth Stood Still" last week on my SkyBox last week.
Keen Reeve was an Alien named Klaatu" coming to earth to decide how to save the earth.
He had long talks etc....but at the end his conclusion was that the only way to save the earth was to get rid of human being and let animals leave in peace.
Hopefully a professor explained to the Alien that: "all civilizations only change when they're at the precipice of a crisis.  He says human will change, now that they are really at the edge of destruction".
At the end of the movie the sphere and Klaatu have disappeared.  Then EVERYTHING shuts down - lights, buildings, cars, etc.  People everywhere cautiously emerge.

Do you think there is a parallel between EMF and the edge of destruction ?

Vlad Varnica


Marcelo Paternostro wrote:


Dave and I have been talking about EMF builds and the issue worry us a bit. Although most of the work can be automated, the build does require some attention: from running scripts and checking test results on a regular basis, to actually maintaining the build in order to provide new artifacts or fix something that got broken due to changes in a dependency. Since neither Dave nor I can assume this responsibility, ideally someone else would step up to task. This person would hopefully be committed to all parts of code and, for example, make some noise even if a test focused on a less important piece fails (a test for the mapping support for example).

An alternative to have a single soul working on this is to gather a pool of people and share the burden. Dave and I could be members of this pool, if this makes sense.

Btw, if it helps making this topic a little more exciting, Dave and I are willing to move the EMF build to Athena (Nick has already done some of the required work!). Obviously "old build or Athena" is a completely irrelevant matter if no one cares about EMF builds. If that's indeed the case, is it OK if EMF doesn't have a new build? All affected projects, people, and companies are OK with it?

Anyhow, the microphone is open for everyone. Any input is welcome.

Best regards,

Marcelo Paternostro
IBM Canada Lab


From: Dave Steinberg/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
To: emf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 2010/01/12 10:41 AM
Subject: [emf-dev] EMF Core Build
Sent by: emf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi all,

I'm going to be changing jobs at IBM in a week, and as result, working on EMF will not be part of my "day job." I'd like to remain a committer and stay involved in the project as much as possible.

One responsibility that I'll need to shed, however, is the EMF Core build. Mostly this has just meant pushing buttons on the build system that Nick built, ensuring things work, and manually filling in the gaps when they don't. But I don't feel I can be the single point of failure for getting EMF built and promoted anymore.

So I'm wondering if someone else is willing to take primary responsibility for build stuff, or if we could somehow share it amongst committers? Also, would it be helpful to finally move to the Athena Common Build, or to further enhance the existing modeling build? It would be great if we could have builds automatically run when new changes are committed and have weekly I builds promoted automatically if they are clean (no build or test errors). If there's some work that's needed up-front to make things easier in the future, I'm willing and able to contribute some effort now. Marcelo has indicated to me that he's willing to help, too.

Everyone's input would be much appreciated.


Dave Steinberg
Rational Software - IBM Toronto Lab

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