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cross-project-issues-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Help required for "Bug 548894 - Enhance product builder to sign windows launchers", Vikas Chandra
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] GEF participation in 2019-9, Alexander Nyßen
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] SimRel 2019-09 Milestone 2 (M2) is available, Frederic Gurr
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Staging for SimRel 2019-09 Milestone 2 (M2) is complete, Frederic Gurr
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] OI2JIRO migration - reminder - hipp4, Frederic Gurr
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Where is SimRel nighly build repo?, Mickael Istria
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] hipp5 and OpenJ9 JIPP, Frederic Gurr
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Problems running Xtext and Buildship together, Udo.Walker@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Gerrit Jenkins Builds fail with "access denied", Becker, Matthias
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] HIPP6 is down, Mikaël Barbero
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] ATL participation in 2019-09, Dennis Wagelaar
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] 2019-09 Simultaneous Release, Wayne Beaton
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Auto-build will now build if .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs changes, Simeon Andreev
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Project Leads: A note about CI/build resources, Denis Roy
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] HIPP6 machine is down, Mikaël Barbero
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Initial 2019-09 (4.13) Plan for Eclipse Top-Level Project, Daniel Megert
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] SimRel 2019-09 Milestone 1 (M1) is available, Frederic Gurr
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Staging for SimRel 2019-09 Milestone 1 (M1) is complete, Frederic Gurr
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Warning for javax.inject users, Aleksandar Kurtakov
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] The end of an era: shell access., Eclipse Webmaster
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] /opt/tools/apache-maven/latest updated to point to Maven 3.6.0 (since 3.6.1 breaks Tycho), Frederic Gurr
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Orbit Bundle Removals For 2019-09 M1, Roland Grunberg
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Gerrit pull over https randomly throws 502 error, Andrey Loskutov
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Preparation for 2019-09, Ed Merks
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] The Eclipse IDE 2019-06 release is available now!, Frederic Gurr

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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