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cross-project-issues-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Critical projects?, Scott Lewis
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] SimRel 2022-03 M1 is Available, Ed Merks
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] reload4j 1.2.18 fixing pressing issues of log4j 1.2.17, Matthias Sohn
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Staging for SimRel 2022-03 M1 is Complete, Ed Merks
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] CDT contribution for 2022-03 M1 is probably going to be late, Jonah Graham
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Add JFR Events (Java Flight Recording), Jörg Kubitz
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] "Open an online workspace in Gitpod" suddenly showing on our project PRs as an action, Jeen Broekstra
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] CVS support plugin discontinuation - SimRel build changes needed, Kit Lo
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Login Problems?, Ed Merks
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Bugzilla "Community" moved to GitLab HelpDesk, Denis Roy
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] is not accessible, Alexander Fedorov
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] HttpClient 5 update in p2, Aleksandar Kurtakov
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] log4j vulnerability in Eclipse?, Denis Roy

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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