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[cross-project-issues-dev] For Final Contributions, Do a Pull First

FYI, via I have cleaned and updated the contact details for all SimRel contributions.  So it's quite likely that your *.aggrcon has been modified since last you touched it.  To save yourself some hassles, remember to do a pull before you modify your contribution.

The final RC2 deadline is Wednesday evening; promotion will happen first thing Thursday morning.


As a second reminder, during the 2024-09 release cycle, if you are not getting 3rd party content directly from Maven Central and are not getting it from

I will be tracking you down and pestering you.  Why?  Because while we can all hope that the day there is a serious CVE in a 3rd party dependency doesn't come, it's definitely better that we plan for that and to be prepared to take quick action if/when it does...

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