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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] [Papyrus] New RC2a release

Hi Papyrus,

There is no RC2a release planned yet, but if the content hasn't changed I don't really want to respin for this. has your contribution, but that won't be in 2022-12 unless a respin is approved.

I am not sure I understand what the issue is. Is the problem that what Papyrus is planning to release for Papyrus 6.3 isn't the same content as what will be in SimRel for 2022-12?

Thanks for helping me to understand the problem,

Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders

On Fri, 2 Dec 2022 at 12:00, DEVILLE Pauline <Pauline.DEVILLE@xxxxxx> wrote:

Hello everyone,


We had to do a new RC2a release for Papyrus but the content is the same as before but the timestamps are now a bit different.

All we changed was the aggregation files pointers (content) and we weren't sure we could edit those by hand without incurring unforeseen problems. If this can be done safely we can revert the contribution and patch this on our end.


Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.


Best regards,

Papyrus team

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