Cool test.
Is that something a Jenkins job could test? This late in
the SimRel and only manually done it will be difficult to
motivate projects to change things. A job which would
install additional features in a random order and record
failures on startup would be interesting. Blamed would
usually the latest installed feature which wouldn’t
necessarily be fair but better than not getting any such
feedback at all.
forward to eggs, wool, milk and meat.
For 2019-12, the Eierlegende Wollmilchsau, i.e., the result
of installing all the categorized contributions to the release
train, has evolved from an ugly, though incredibly
function-rich beast (in principle) to something that is dead
on arrival. This IDE won't even start. The fundamental cause
of the problem is unclear. It fails to start because
is called
before the dialog to choose the workspace is called.
That appears to be EMF's fault because it too
is started before the choose-workspace dialog comes up. But
it's started by the loading of class
If I don't include Passage, the Eierlegende Wollmilchsau
starts, but there is still a sea of failures.
Note that I'm not singling out Passage for blame because a
"normal" IDE with Passage installed
does not run into this problem. So the problem is
some interaction among all these things. Given the thousands
of bundles that are installed and starting, which if any is
the ill-behaved one? Or is it just the interactions such that
no single bundle is actually to blame? Or did I install
something that should not be installed in an IDE?
In any case, Eierlegende Wollmilchsau without Passage starts
but is not pretty:

It's pretty horrible:

It's not possible to create a functional Java project in this
IDE, nor even to populate the Package explorer view, perhaps
mostly because of interaction with Object Teams. But again,
Object Teams installed in a "normal" IDE does not cause
problems so I'm not pointing any fingers.
Of course no human wants the Eierlegende Wollmilchsau, but
the question is, which combination of things could the user
install that will cause problems like these for otherwise
perfectly functional plugins? There's no way to know and no
one is testing that...
One thing is clear though, this problem has gone from bad to