Thanks for the feedback.
I've created a "
Eclipse IDE 2018-12" page with what I figure are the best guesses at the release versions being contributed to the list. You'll notice corresponding "This release is part of Eclipse IDE 2018-12" messages on project and release pages (follow the links).
Please take a look.
Let me know if the version that's listed is not correct (or if something needs to be added or dropped). Note that if you want that version changed, we need to have a corresponding Release record.
If you're doing a major or minor release, then you should
engage with the EMO as soon as possible, please, to ensure that the review gets scheduled. There's help in the
handbook; contact your PMC or EMO if you're having trouble. If you're doing a new service release with 2018-12, then no reviews are required.
Note that whether or not you need a release record for a service release is really up to you. If the page lists, for example, the page lists your 2.5 release but you're really contributing a 2.5.4 release, then I leave it as a matter between you and your PMC to decide if you need a "2.5.4" release record.