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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Aggreagtor Email questions

On 11/23/2016 08:53 AM, LE MENEZ Quentin wrote:

Hi David,


I was wondering if this was the case (it seems so): do the emails in the project aggregator file need to belong to a committer for the aggregator build to succeed?

I ask this because we tried to put ours (François and mine) in it but the build kept failing (and the report seemed to point to that particular addition).





No, there is no restriction on the email address like that.

A common cause for failure to add an email address is that the email must belong to a "Contact" that has been defined in the simrel.aggr file/model (using the CBI Aggregator editor). And then that "Contact" added to the contribution. And then, BOTH files, simrel.aggr and your specific contribution file (*.aggrcon) committed.

I hope it is something simple like that. If you continue to have difficulties, please open a bug in cross-project component with details/files and I will take a closer look.


I have CC'd cross-project list simply because this is a common issue so thought others might like to read the question and the answer.

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