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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] DTP for Neon stream ... runtime.compatibility ... and LDT? ... and Neon M2

If you have admin access to your HIPP, you can add a JDK in the Manage Hudson section.

Have it point to /shared/common/jdk1.8.0-latest


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On 30/09/15 01:32 PM, Greg Watson wrote:
I’m blocked because I don’t have a JDK 1.8 option on the PTP HIPP instance ( If anyone knows how to add this, please let me know.


On Sep 30, 2015, at 11:02 AM, David M Williams <david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

OK, I give up.

It appears some projects are not going to be able to react to the removal of runtime.compatibility bundle, for M2, so I have re-enabled the LDT contribution. (Bug 478009 and Bug 478330).
This will allow the aggregation build, at least, to complete, so that others can make progress.

This won't help projects who have a direct dependancy on, say, DTP (which in turn as a dependency on runtime compatibility bundle) since they depend on it, but do not provide it.
For those people, the only work around I know of is to "include" only that bundle from our M1 repository, or something similar.
Less that ideal, but I'd like to push forward and see if we can get out some form of M2 that can be used to create a cleaner M3!

Let me know if suggestions or alternative approaches. (And, FYI, it does not appear that extending the deadline a few days will help with the runtime compatibility issue, but, if anyone has been blocked due to this issue, and needs a few days to work around the problem, I think it reasonable to consider an extension of a few days ... if you make such a request, please be specific ... I'd hate to extend it to Monday instead of Friday (let's say) and then that still not be enough time.)


From:        David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
To:        Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
Date:        09/28/2015 08:47 PM
Subject:        Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] DTP for Neon stream ... runtime.compatibility ... and LDT? ... and Neon M2
Sent by:        cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

I hope everyone remembers that Neon M2 is this Friday ... and that means your Neon M2 contributions must be done by Wednesday.

AND .. it seems, some have not yet reacted to the platform removing org.eclipse. runtime.compatibility bundle (
Bug 394739).

AND .. some have been "getting it automatically" from the current Sim. Release contributions, because Lua Development Tools (LDT) duplicates it (and many others) in their repository (
Bug 478009).

Since LDT has not updated their repo yet for Neon, I fear some may have of a false sense that "everything is ok".

Put more bluntly, we all know, some projects do not build against the latest version of their pre-reqs! And, we all know that some projects won't react until "the build fails".

Therefore ... I am about to make the build fail for others, by removing LDT's massive contribution.

If someone has a better suggestion, that would be good to hear, but I hope I am doing everyone a favor, by making the problem more apparent in the aggregation build.

(And, greatest thanks to those of you who HAVE reacted to this change already ... thanks to all your release engineers!)

Thank to you all,

David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
09/21/2015 08:09 PM
Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] DTP for Neon stream ... and LDT?
Sent by:        

> A question regarding the aggregation build. I thought it was
> designed to catch issues like this, but I don’t see any failures on Hudson.

I was wondering that too. :) So ...

I looked in the log, at
and could see

- mirroring artifact osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility,3.2.300.v20150423-0821

and then searching backwards in log, for "Mirroring artifacts from",
could see that the LDT project is (also) contributing that bundle, via their repository at


I hope that is a temporary condition, since (in this case) do not think the Platform would like others
"extending the life" of something they are trying to end. But ... I am not sure. I think the next step
is to hear from the LDT project. I have opened
bug 478009 for this issue.

I did also use b3 aggregator editor to search for others who might be contributing that bundle, and it appears there are no others.
(And, appears that LDT contributes much more potentially problematic bundles, than just that one, since they duplicate a great deal
of other's projects, for their "Eclipse product").

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