It appears to me that you didn't just
write code; you've engineered a solution.
No need for crossed fingers. I think we're in good shape. Beer
will be on me at EclipseCon.
Have a nice weekend.
On 12/06/15 02:21 PM, Marcel Bruch wrote:
there are four (4) + one (1) mechanisms in place that will / can
limit the traffic to
Level 1: A local, persistent, per-workspace history that remembers
what was send before. If an error is logged that has the same
fingerprint as an already sent report, it is skipped. This should
prevent clients to send the same error over and over again.
Level 2: A “known errors database” that get’s downloaded
from on IDE startup. If an error is logged in the IDE
which was marked as “ignored” in the known-errors database, it
won’t be send. No network traffic will happen. The
server-side generates this database on demand and set’s every
problem to ignore that was reported by more than 50 users.
Level 3: The “emergency” power OFF switch [1]. On startup, we
check whether a certain system status URL is reachable. If that
fails, the system deactivates the reporter until next restart of
Level 4: If Eclipse is started
with ‑Dorg.eclipse.epp.logging.aeri.ui.skipReports=true, no errors
will be sent. EPP packages may add this into the eclipse.ini in
worst case.
Level 5: I’m not sure what exactly would happen if the firewall
blocks access the service. But I assume we catch every exception
and log it gracefully as a warning. So this looks like Level 5 to
However, the traffic may still be large - especially in the first
days. In that case I’m happy to pull the plug via Option 3 or
Level 4 by rebuilding the EPP packages. Or 5 if you don’t see any
other option. Or we start with just one EPP (e.g. Committers and
or Java) package for the release and add more until we are sure it
works. I think we have all options in your hands to control it on
various levels.
Regarding Reporting to Bugzilla: Yes, the traffic
goes to* If
this server is shut down, nothing can ever go to Bugzilla.
I hope I'll keep my account for a while… still
crossing fingers, though.
On 12 Jun 2015, at 19:57, Denis
Roy <denis.roy@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 06/12/2015 01:15 AM, Marcel Bruch wrote:
We are now looking
forward to the first two weeks of the Mars release
and cross fingers that we don’t get flooded.
Do we have an OFF switch somewhere so that we can turn
these things off if we see we're going to get flooded?
Have we...?
Do you...?
I have a big "OFF" switch called a firewall, but I'm not sure
how that will manifest itself in Eclipse if the error reporter
cannot connect to its home site.
Also, just so I understand, the 1000's of daily reports
(which could become 100,000's of daily reports on June 25)
are all reports against the recommenders server, right? Not
Bugzilla bugs, right? The latter could see the OFF switch
extended to your user account :)
I will be at ECE to collect on any wrongdoings you do to your
fellow committers.
In all seriousness, let me know if there's anything I can do
to make sure we're prepared for what is about to come.