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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] What is a maintenance release


The way I read the documentation, specifically, a minor increment in bundle's exported dependencies warrants a minor increment in that bundle's version, so yes, shipping a 2.5 version of Xtext would have better set the expectations. But it would not have provided you a release that works with EMF 2.8.x and given that EMF 2.9's core runtime is binary compatible and works with releases of Eclipse as old as 3.5, there's no reason the Xtext team ought to have expected an increment in their EMF dependencies to have a significant impact on their clients.


On 27/06/2013 8:50 PM, Ed Willink wrote:
Hi Ed

I am trying to understand what if any release rigour exists in the Eclipse release policies; indeed if there are any policies at all.

There is clearly a large discrepancy between my expectation and what I observe in practice.


        Ed Willink

On 27/06/2013 18:50, Ed Merks wrote:
You've also had ample opportunity to notice the bounds on Xtext's contributions to the release train, so it's not clear what you're hoping to achieve after the fact by involving a broader audience.

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