Greetings folks.
I've built a little Bugzilla query that lists the projects that are
missing something that I require for the review.
If your project is on this list, you're missing one of three things:
* Review documentation;
* PMC approval of review documentation; or
* An IP Team-approved IP Log.
The corresponding records for projects that are doing service
releases should already be marked as FIXED and so should not be on
this list.
If you believe that your project should not be on this list, let me
know. We juggle a lot of balls with these releases and it's easy to
miss something.
If you're not on this list, you should be included in the "upcoming
reviews" section of the Projects Gateway page:
Let me know if you're missing.
If I'm waiting on you to submit your IP Log, or provide me with
PMC-approved review documentation, please provide it ASAP. This was
due today. The review starts tomorrow; if I don't have your
materials in my inbox tomorrow AM, then you miss the review. If
you've submitted your review documentation and your IP Log, but the
IP Log hasn't come back, I'll schedule you for the review anyway
(the review cannot be declared successful until after the IP Log is
I do not intend to hold a call for this review. If anybody feels
strongly in favour of holding a call, let me know.
If you're having trouble meeting any of the requirements, please let
me know.
My thanks go out to the projects that paid attention and heeded the