You may have been young, but not foolish; just diligent and helpful.
Unfortunately you now show up as a prominent contributor our ten
years of broken CVS legacy.
Go to http://wiki.eclipse.org/CVS_FAQ. No mention of GIT anywhere.
Click on the link to a CVS plugin at
and you find yourself at http://git.eclipse.org/c/. Not very
helpful. No explanation of why the link has been totally redirected.
No clues as to how the old link might be reanimated.
I certainly don't expect a rewrite of every old document; just some
redirects/click-throughs in prominent places and no needless
So for the Eclipse Corner article referenced, a prominent one line
heading linking to some GIT policy page.
Ed Willink
On 15/01/2013 18:57, Wayne Beaton wrote:
That was 2006. I was young and foolish.
The post has multiple flaws. For one, hooking up to that
repository will bring in a whole host of crap that you don't want.
This is something that I've always wanted to do better, but since
nobody contributes to Eclipse Corner anymore, the relevance of
that work seemed negligible. And, in addition to the Eclipse
Corner articles no longer being in CVS, I no longer have shirts to
give out in exchange for contributions.
I believe that the community will forgive me for not updating this
blog post. I don't think that the nebulous community expects to to
go back and fix every historical document.
I don't know why anybody would search on "Eclipse Corner CVS". I
could see them searching on "Eclipse Papyrus", or "Articles about
Eclipse Modeling", or something.
Backward compatibility is important. But at some point you
sometimes have to break from the old and move forward.
Or have I missed the point?