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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Status and outlook for RC3

Fixed for the Linux Tools plugins. Linux Tools b3aggrcon updated to point to the new build.

-- Jeff J.

On 06/06/2012 12:09 AM, David M Williams wrote:
Admittedly, there is one day left for Juno RC3, but I can't help but
point out several (27) missing "about.html" files.

Plus, according to another report,

there are 12 features missing "license" (EUA) files in features.

The observant will notice that the two reports seem to say different
things (the first saying none are missing license files in features, the
latter saying 12 are missing).

And they are different things. The first report checks the feature files
themselves and determines if the file is there or not.

But, the second report is for the "license info" that is part of the
repository content metadata, which arguably is more important, since it
is the one that is presented to a users before they install something
and the users asked "do you agree ... ?" before installing something.

So, the license file can be contained in the feature itself (first
report) but not "published" correctly to the p2 repository. You'll
notice all the "missing licenses" say "%license" which is actually a
good sign ... that probably means there's just something missing in the file or something (but ... there are a couple of
methods of "publishing" features ... so, you'll have to check.)

To give one compliment though, Almost everyone one has finally moved up
to the 2011 license. Last year, there were several hundred that had not.

  * Features with conforming (2011) license: 845
  * Features with old (2010) license: 21

Thanks all,

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