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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] [modeling-pmc] Notifcation to let QVTO contribute to Juno

Hi Mickael,

Ok, in future I'll be more insistent ;)   

As for M4 I also hope that there will be no problems.  I've made QVTo M4 against OCL M4a and now waiting for webmaster to gain SSH access to development server ( to promote bits .


On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Mickael Istria <mickael.istria@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Sergey,

On 19/12/2011 10:06, Sergey Boyko wrote:
I also expect some input from re-istablished GMF Tooling project but there was nothing.

In the future, you should probably insist a bit more and ask on wider channel, such as the gmf-dev newsgroup, You probably know how it is easy to miss one mail in a 70-mails inbox ;)
It's too bad you get aware of this dependency so late, as a GMF-Tooling contributor, I am sorry about that. I wish it won't be too difficult for you to join Juno.

Mickael Istria
R&D Engineer, Eclipse Plug-in RCP Developer

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