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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Juno M2 aggregation -- will it be the worst milestone ever?

On 22/09/2011 04:54, David M Williams wrote:
Well, no, probably not ... but, it will take a lot of attention to get it done on time.

First greatest thanks to Kenn Hussey for making (or fixing) an "early" contribution repository [1] for EMF core (or, "base", I think they are now calling the platform-shared parts.

This allows Eclipse 4.2 M2 and EMF M2 to both be installed from repository sites. (For full issues, and longer term improvements, you can follow bug 356644).

Now the problem is that the new version of EMF (and maybe Eclipse M2?), apparently,  breaks numerous other contributions, apparently due to increased minor version numbers (combined with narrow ranges?).

To aggregate, at the moment, I would have to disable about 20 of the b3aggrcon files in

Could you please provide a list of these contributions in trouble?


Mickael Istria
R&D Engineer, Eclipse Plug-in RCP Developer

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