I'm not sure what you mean by "there's no point"?
The issue is about the amount of memory space on the stick - there is
not enough space for all platforms for all projects. So after some
thought, I concluded that it would of maximum use to the most
EclipseCon attendees to have the EPP packages. Remember, Nick, most of
the 1600+ attendees are not like you :-)
Nick Boldt wrote:
Seems unfair to exclude projects not in EPP bundles.
You're encouraging other bundles to be built, true, but if there's only
room on the stick for 4 bundles x 2 OSes, there's no point.
But, hey, if this is just causing too much friction and dissent, we can
just not put any M5 bits on the memory stick. Easier for the EclipseCon
operations team and cheaper too (we have to pay by the Mb to have files
preloaded on the stick).
Say you're attending one of the BIRT talks. You'd do this:
Well, if you're talking about a BIRT tutorial, we have a separate
solution for the tutorials. If you're talking about a BIRT long talk,
I doubt you'll have enough time to do all that on your laptop and still
pay attention to the talk.
Scott Lewis wrote:
However, we're not going to include the whole
Ganymede update site but rather the EPP packages.
Why is this?
Beside the "not enough space on the memory stick" issue, we're also
promoting the idea of the EPP packages and corporate distros being the
primary way for the end-users to install Eclipse. The Ganymede update
site will be mirrored at convention center so all the bits will be
available at a pretty good bandwidth locally.
- Bjorn
[end of message]