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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Specifying version requirements

Pascal. This looks like a very helpful tool and I plan to use it soon myself.

Might I request .. can it and the source be attached to a bugzilla? Or ... is it already in CVS somewhere? You know I trust you  :)  but as a matter of policy I hate to execute "class" files from a mailing list, especially without source.

Another advantage of a bugzilla is then people  could suggest, or contribute back, feature enhancements. For example, I'd possibly like a version that gives the "conservative" range instead of the "api range".

And, will even suggest the reasons for it here ... for public scrutiny.  In WTP at least, I think we use enough non-API (mostly within ourselves, not too much from base or pre-reqs) that I'd like to do a "mass update" that used the conservative range. Then component owners (those with more knowledge of the code) could "open it up" if they know for sure they do not use any non-API, or otherwise untrustworthy code.

I think the conservative approach is safest, as we get used to this new versioning, since, as I see it, the cost of making an error is worse if give to wide a range.
        Cost if too wide: clients could end up "broken" and have to wait for fixed version, get the fixed version, might even have to uninstall and re-install everything, with fixed version, to get working again.
        Cost of too narrow: an update might have to be provided that was not technically really necessary, just to bump up a version number range.

Any comments/suggestions?

Pascal Rapicault <Pascal_Rapicault@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

05/29/2006 02:32 PM

Please respond to
Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[cross-project-issues-dev] Specifying version requirements

Hi all,

Earlier this year, the eclipse team put together guidelines on how to version plug-ins:

These guidelines have been adopted by a lot of the callisto teams, however most of them (including the SDK team) missed the fact that specifying properly its version was only part of the problem and that it was equivalently important to specify ranges when requiring plug-ins.

Therefore, in order to help all of you specify the ranges on all the required plug-ins on time for callisto, I have written a little plug-in that will propose values for all the missing ranges. The generated values assume that you are only using APIs however if you know otherwise you should specify a tighter range by lowering the value for the upper bound.

Example of an output:

bundle org.eclipse.cdt.ui                                <--------- plug-in name which has the problem

       org.eclipse.ui.ide;bundle-version="[3.2.0,4.0.0)"        <--------- proposed value











How to use the tool:

- copy the attached jar in your plugins folder

- run the following command

       java -jar startup.jar -clean -application org.eclipse.core.runtime.versionchecker.dependencyChecker

If you want to only check the dependency for a limited set of plugins, you can specify the -filter option and specify a regexp matching the bundle names. For example "-filter .*cdt.*" will only match the CDT plug-ins.



[attachment "org.eclipse.core.runtime.versionchecker_1.0.0.jar" deleted by David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM]
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