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[cosmos-dev] RE: Discuss remaining documentation issues

Title: RE: Discuss remaining documentation issues

Please see meeting minutes for the Doc meeting last week 5th September.

Let know if I have omitted or mis represented anything.



-----Original Appointment-----
From: David Whiteman/Raleigh/IBM
Sent: 02 September 2008 09:09
To: David Whiteman/Raleigh/IBM
Subject: Discuss remaining documentation issues Audio Conference Access Numbers North America: 877.421.0038 UK: +44.20.7026.0533 India: 000-800-100-1156 Code: 228608
When: 05 September 2008 15:00-15:30 (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London.

We need to discuss the remaining items in the documentation and decidewhat sections need to be updated, which ones that are empty need to have something written in them, and which ones are non-critical and should just be removed.  Then each section should be assigned to someone to complete for i14.  Completing the section means making all additions and updates to the HTML files in cvs and ensuring the formatting works.   Changing sections in the SML chapter of User Guide and chapter2 of the Dev Guide will require also updating the help plugins for those sections in addition to the main HTML.

PLEASE COME PREPARED!  We want everyone to have reviewed these sections so that we already have in mind what work remains, and so the meeting will only take 30 minutes.  Think about what you can pitch in and do.  Given that getting it done is the priority, don't worry if you don't feel you're an expert - you can always ask for extra review if you are unsure about the content.

For reference in finding remaining doc items:

IMPORTANT: The preferred source for reviewing the docs is in CVS, since Rich and Keith made editorial changes due to feedback following our initialwiki page drafts.  Here's the cvs location of the documentation... I suggest checking out the doc folder into Eclipse and opening the html files from there:


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